28 September 2011

Lab 6 : Move an object

In this tutorial you will learn how to move a ball from left to right,
When you open flash CS4 you will by default be placed in layer 1 and any drawing on stage will be drawn in the first frame of your timeframe.

Now lets draw a ball on stage, so click on the selection tool, click on the oval tool, then in the properties panel, under the fill and stroke panel, switch off the stroke and select any color, in this instance say orange, and draw a ball on the left of the stage by pressing the shift key and dragging the mouse,
Moving Ball Animation in Flash CS4
you will notice that the first frame on the timeframe gets darkened, then let’s say we want to end the keyframe to end at Frame12, so go to frame12 and press F6 to add a blank keyframe. Now on the new keyframe (Frame12) drag the ball by pressing the shift key so that it stays on the same line and drop it on the right,
Moving Ball Animation in Flash CS4
now we want to create a classic tween in-between these two keyframes,
Moving Ball Animation in Flash CS4
so click anywhere between 1 and 12 keyframe, click the right button on your mouse and select create classic  tween, you will notice the keyframes from 1 to 12 changes color from a grey to a light blue.
Now if you want to see how your movie looks without scrubbing along the time line, you can simply do this by pressing Ctrl+Enter. You will see the orange ball moving from left to right and will repeat this over and over again, this is because flash by default has been looped to perform this function. If you want to end up in the exact same position as the starting position, go to frame 24, copy the ball in the first keyframe by pressing Ctrl+C and click on frame 24 and press F7 to insert a blank keyframe, now make sure that  24th keyframe is selected and paste it in the same position by pressing Ctrl+Shift+V, now you can right click and select create classic tween. If you test your movie by pressing Ctrl+Enter you will see that the orange ball is moving from left to right and back continuously.

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